Frequently Asked Questions 💭
Have questions 🤔 ? We're here to help
I can't get past the captcha?

You have to do with the minus for example 7 - 8 = -1 so you have to add the -. In the other direction if it's 3 - 2 = 1 it's not necessary to add the - because it's a higher number and not a lower number.

What cryptocurrencies does our exchange support?

To know the list of cryptocurrencies supported on our exchange, go to the right side and click on the exchange selection field and choose your peers, You will see the full list of cryptocurrencies currently supported you also have the option to search for cryptocurrencies.

How long does it take to exchange cryptocurrencies?

On average, the processing time for requests is 2 to 60 minutes, however the speed of processing a cryptocurrency exchange request may depend on various factors, it is worth considering that different cryptocurrencies have reception rates different and that the delay may depend on the network and the current load of the blockchain, In some cases the exchange may take longer due to network delays, Therefore, we recommend that you take these factors into account and to wait patiently for the end of the exchange.

Can I cancel an exchange if I have already made a transfer?

If you have created a request and transferred your cryptocurrency, you cannot cancel a transaction, this does not depend on us but of the blockchain it is impossible to cancel a transaction sent on the network.

What is the risk of variation in the market price in the event of a change?

You don't have to worry about classes if you exchange with us! Since the price is fixed as soon as you start creating a transaction, you will receive the same amount.

What are the Minimum/Maximum exchange amounts?

You can find out the maximum or minimum amount of the exchange automatically by selecting the desired crypto.

What are the fees?

Transaction fees vary from one cryptocurrency to another since each cryptocurrency depends on the speed and network of transaction, the fees are automatically deducted when you choose the amount you wish to exchange.

I left my browser during the exchange?

During the exchange you have a transaction identifier we advise you to save it if you exit your browser the exchange process continues automatically without any problem so you can exit your browser or close the page.

I sent another crypto by mistake to another network?

Regrettably, sending a different cryptocurrency to another network results in permanent loss, and we will not be able to refund you.

I send a higher or lower amount?

If you send a higher amount, no problem, it will be returned to you and automatically added to the exchange amount. On the other hand, lower amounts will not be added to the exchange. You must contact us to process the refund. Please note that the return costs will be at your expense.

Do you request KYC/AML documents?

Our exchange does not require any documents from you without KYC and AML. You are free to exchange your cryptocurrencies without any restrictions. Instead of freezing your cryptocurrencies, we will return them if they are associated with illegal activities.

Are you requesting documents for higher exchanges?

There is no limit, you can exchange any amount, we will never ask for your documents without any KYC AML, feel free to exchange your cryptocurrencies regardless of the amount.

Do I have to have an account?

You will not need an account, no registration, no email, no password or information about yourself.

Do you collect or save customer data?

We do not keep any logs, which means we do not record our clients' IP addresses, do not gather information about clients, and do not collect cookies.

How long is the exchange session valid?

If no payment is sent to the session address within 20 minutes, both the identifier and the transaction will be automatically canceled, and the session will be deleted.

I have a problem during the exchange?

If you encounter a problem during the exchange process you can contact us at the bottom of the page.